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Dry Needling

Dry needling (acupuncture) is a modern, western treatment designed to effectively treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It shares the common tool of acupuncture, the fine needle. These needles are fine, short, stainless steel needles that do not inject any fluids into the body. 

How Does It Work?

Several filiform needles are injected into the skin where there may be an injury, area of tightness, trigger point (knot) or muscle spasm. On the insertion of the needle, the patient doesn't usually feel the needle going into the skin, however as soon as the needle reaches the problematic area, they may feel some temporary pain last from a few seconds up to 30 seconds. Once the needles are in the skin, they will remain in for a short period of time, as this helps to relieve the knot or spasm, or in the case of an injury, promote blood flow to the area. Whilst in the skin, your therapist will stimulate the tissue by flicking, twisting, peppering and fanning the needle.

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